About Us
Representing HR Professionals in the Central Nebraska area
About US

Since 1984
Dedicated to serving Central Nebraska
Central Nebraska HR (CNHR) is an organization whose members are human resource professionals in the Central Nebraska area. It is the local affiliated chapter of Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), which is the leading voice of the human resource profession, representing the interests of more than 300,000 professional and student members nationwide.
Our Chapter’s Purpose
Advance the understanding of the principles and methods of human resource management through the exchange of ideas and information concerning human resource activity.
Improve the competency of human resource practitioners
To raise the performance standards in all phases of human resource management
To encourage adherence to the SHRM Code of Ethics
Join the 300,000 members of SHRM
Serving Central Nebraska
Mailing Address
PO Box 932
Grand Island, NE 68802