$20 CNHR Members | $30 non-CNHR Members In-Person or Virtual Event! Join us for an afternoon breakout session on April 9 from 4:00PM-5:00PM (Registration starts at 3:30PM). This session will cover “The Benefit Initiative for Creating a Financially Secure Workforce” by Chris Thixton of Pension Consultants, Inc. You will have the option to attend either […]
$25 CNHR Members | $35 non-CNHR Members In-Person or Virtual Event! THIS EVENT HAS BEEN MOVED TO VIRTUAL ONLY. Join us for an breakfast breakout session on April 18 from 8:30AM-10:00AM (Registration starts at 8:00AM). This session will cover “How to Design a Sustainable DEI Strategy” by Claudia Schabel of Schabel Solutions. After years of […]
We are happy to partner with Leadership Unlimited on their Executive Series.
$15 CNHR Members | $25 non-CNHR Members Join us for a webinar session on May 22 from 10:00AM-11:00AM. This session will cover “Insight from a Former EEOC Attorney” with Richard Mrizek of Jackson Lewis. Presentation Summary: Former EEOC Attorney (litigator) Richard Mrizek presents on explaining the process of a charge or other proceeding before the […]
EVENT CANCELLED $49 CNHR Members | $74 non-CNHR Members* Join us on July 11 from 2:30PM-4:00PM. In this session, the Jackson Lewis team will feature a shortened display of what takes place during an employment trial including opening statements, witness examination, objections, and closing arguments. During and following the trial, the participating attorneys will discuss […]
Although there is no fee to attend this event, you must RSVP below. Join us on July 25 from 3:00PM-4:00PM. In this session, presenter Officer McLaughlin will provide basic work place violence prevention safety tips that business owners can follow to ensure employee and customer safety in their businesses on a daily basis. This presentation […]
We are happy to partner with Leadership Unlimited on their Executive Series.
October 15 | 2-4pm (Social hour/Networking to follow) Cost: $119* SHRM Member | $149* non-SHRM member *Price includes a CNHR membership until December 31, 2025 The rate of change in organizations, whether private, public, or nonprofit, is a challenge for leaders and managers at all levels. In this seminar, speaker Dr. Steve Rathman will examine […]